Mission of Redemption Apostolic Preaching

Preaching Christ Messiah the Son of God. Proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom. Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.


A New Life | apostolic evangelism |Redemption|rain

H ERE IS A wonderful, biblical promise

to receive A NEW LIFE.

As many as receive Jesus Christ, God's

Son, to them He gives power to become

the children of God—to them that believe

on His Name. Jn. 1:12

Do you want to be saved—to have

peace with God? Do you desire to receive

His Kind of Life? Do you want

His love and power? This verse of

Holy Scripture tells you how to receive

His power in a way that will

transform you with His NEW LIFE.

If you will receive Jesus Christ into

your heart by faith, you will be given

power to become a child of God, a

member of His Royal Family.

You see, when God created man

and woman in the beginning, He did

not create them for evil, or for disease

or weakness, or guilt or fear or failure.

He made them happy and

healthy, pure and to have rapport

with Him. He placed them in a Garden

and gave them everything beautiful

and good. Gen.1:29-30 But they were

forbidden to eat of one tree. He said,

In the day that you eat thereof, you shall

surely die. Gen.2:15-17

But Satan deceived them, saying,

You shall NOT surely die. Gen.3:4-5 They

believed his lie and yielded to his

temptation. That was sin, and sin

brought death. Jas.1:14-15 Having broken

God's trust, they were expelled from

the Garden of His presence. Gen.3:23 He

cannot cohabit with sin—not then,

and not today.

Adam and Eve, God's beautiful

creation, walked off into the darkness

to become the slaves of Satan who

deceived them—Satan the killer, the

thief, the destroyer, the liar. Jn.10:10; 8:44

Wherefore, as by Adam and Eve sin entered

into the world, and death by sin; so

death passed upon all, because all have

sinned. Rom.5:12

Hatred, disease, rebellion and guilt

were engendered in the hearts of all

succeeding generations.

God said, The soul that sins, it shall

die. Eze. 18:4 Death was seeded in all of

humanity. The wages of sin is death,

Rom.6:23 and since all have sinned, all

must die.

But God's Love saved us. He so loved

the world, that He gave His only Son,

that whoever believes in Him should not

perish, but have everlasting Life.Jn.3:16

God sent His Son Jesus into our

world. He was condemned and crucified

on a cross to pay the penalty of

our sins. Mat.27:33-50 His blood was shed for

the remission of our sins. Mat.26:28

He died in our place. He did no sin.

1Pet.2:22 We were the ones who had



sinned. Isa.53:6; Rom.3:23 We deserved to

die, because The wages of sin is death,

and the soul that sins shall die. Ro. 6:23;

Eze.18:4 But God loved us so much that

He sent His Son to suffer the penalty of

our sins. 1Jn.4:9-10 He was our sacrifice.

Eph.5:2 He put away sin by the sacrifice of

Himself. Heb.9:26 He bore our own punishment.


He was without sin. So when He

died in our place, that freed us from

the penalty of our sins. He gave Himself

for us, that He might redeem us from

all iniquity. Tit.2:14 He gave Himself for

our sins, that He might deliver us from

this present evil world. Gal.1:4 That is the

way God paid the price to ransom us

from our sins. The Son of Man came to

give His life a ransom for us. Mk.10:45

Now, all you have to do is to believe

this and receive Jesus by faith as

your personal Savior. As many as receive

Him, He gives power to become the

children of God. Jn.1:12 Whoever believes

in Him shall not perish, but shall have

everlasting Life. Jn.3:16

The Bible says, God is not willing

that anyone should perish, but that all

should come to repentance. 2Pet.3:9

It says, Believe on the Lord Jesus

Christ, and you shall be saved. Ac.16:31 If

anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new

creature: Old things are passed away; all

things become new. 2Co.5:17

That is what happens when you receive

Jesus Christ. He forgives your

sins. The Bible says, The blood of Jesus

Christ God's Son cleanses us from all

sin. 1Jn. 1: 7

When He comes to you, He takes

away your old nature. He makes you

a new creation. His New Life comes

into you and you are transformed.

He takes away your diseases, too.

Wherever Jesus went, He forgave

sinners and He healed sick people.

He is the same today. When He

comes into your life, not only your

sins will be remitted, but He wants to

heal your physical diseases too. You

will find His health in your body as

well as in your soul. His Life saves

and it heals. It makes you whole

spiritually, physically and mentally.

All you have to do is believe on Jesus

Christ and receive Him by faith in

your life. You can do that today.

Jesus says, I am come that you might

have my Life, and that you might have it

in abundance. Jn.10:10

You can receive His saving and

healing Life today.

A woman who was dying of an incurable

disease was brought to one of

our meetings. I preached these facts

during our mass gospel crusade. In

desperation, she besought the Lord,

"Oh, Jesus, come into my heart. I am

dying of this disease. I want your life

to come to me, to change me and to

make me a new person so that I will

not be lost. I want your life, Lord."

She wept and cried to the Lord

with all her heart.

Then she experienced the awesome

presence of the living Christ possessing

her, penetrating her and enveloping

her. She knew that the Life of

Christ had transformed her and that

His blood had purged her of all her

sins. She had become a new creature.

She cried out with joy as the Lord's

peace filled her to overflowing. Then

she suddenly became aware that her

disease had vanished. She was completely

healed. She had received Jesus

Christ. His life had made her whole

in her soul and in her body. Her sins

were washed away, and her terminal

sickness disappeared.

That is what the NEW LIFE of Jesus

Christ will do for you today.

Call upon Him now. He will hear

your cry. He will save you, and He

will heal you too.􀀉







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They have some french and Spanish available from time to time

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